
Genetics Test (Part 1)

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1) Alport syndrome is associated with

2) With respect to the structure of DNA, which base pairing is correct?

3) Chromosome heteromorphism


A 23 year old woman has undergone amniocentesis at 16 weeks gestation following a ‘high risk’ result from the quadruple test. She
should be informed that the results will be available

5) A 33 year old woman attends the antenatal clinic at 10 weeks gestation. She is a carrier of cystic fibrosis and her partner is also a carrier of cystic fibrosis.

6) A 23 year old woman has sickle cell disease. Her partner is a carrier of the condition. The chances of their baby being normal is

7) Circumstances in which females can be affected by X-linked recessive conditions include

8) Okazaki fragments

9) During pre-implantation genetic diagnosis, allele drop-out can result in

10) Pre-implantation genetic diagnosis

11) Karyotyping


A 23 year old woman has undergone chorionic villus sampling at 13 weeks gestation following a ‘high risk’ result from the
combined test. She should be informed that the results will be available

13) With respect to the structure of chromosomes

14) Tracheo-oesophageal fistula


A 23 year old woman has sickle cell disease. Her partner is a carrier of the condition. The chances of their baby having sickle cell disease

16) Non-dysjunction

17) Which material / cells are used for fluorescent in-situ hybridization?

18) The proportion of human pre-implantation embryos that show mosaicism is

19) Quantitative fluorescent PCR (QF-PCR)

20) Fluorescent in-situ hybridization

21) Down’s syndrome is associated with

22) Which one is not an autosomal recessive disorder?

23) Fluorescent quantitative polymerase chain reaction (QF-PCR)

24) Cleavage stage embryo biopsy for pre-implantation genetic diagnosis

25) Succinylcholine sensitivity

26) Congenital adrenal hyperplasia

27) Malignant hyperpyrexia

28) A 24 year old woman attends the antenatal clinic at 10 weeks gestation. She is known to have Von Willebrand’s disease.

29) With respect to the structure of DNA

30) Fluorescent in-situ hybridization

31) Monozygotic twins

32) X-linked recessive conditions

33) Myotonic dystrophy

34) Mucopolysaccharidosis

35) Which fetal tissue is not typically used for karyotyping?

36) Autosomal dominant conditions

37) Which disease is not an autosomal dominant condition?

38) Which cells are not used for pre-implantation genetic diagnosis?

39) Pre-implantation genetic diagnosis

40) For karyotype to be undertaken from peripheral blood

41) The false positive rate of fluorescent in-situ hybridization is

42) The false positive rate of fluorescent in-situ hybridization is

43) Which one is not an autosomal recessive condition?

44) DNA replication

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