Part 3

Module (MRCOG GOAL Part 3)

14 week course 1 to 1 practice

Individual feedback

Practice group 24 x7 Live sessions twice a


Free circuit course near


Course continues till you

become MRCOG Study material and


All You Need to Know About MRCOG Part 3

MRCOG Part 3 is considered as a golden  qualification in the community of Obstetrics & Gynaecology. 

AOT (Assessment of Training)

The Assessment of Training (AoT) will be a requirement for entry to the Part 3 MRCOG exam. Candidates will no longer need to complete AOT before taking the Part 2 MRCOG exam.


Part 3 MRCOG: exam calendar and fees

Exam dates

  •  8 – 9 May 2024 
  • 13 – 14 May 2024 
  • 6 – 7 November 2024 
  • 11 – 12 November 2024 


Just 50,999  or 470 £

Book Now, You Get Exclusive Discount

Of  1,000 Rs or 10£…….