
Chemotherapy radiotherapy palliative -ANC module part 2

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1) This chemotherapy agent requires pre and posthydration

2) This chemotherapy agent should be used with caution in patients with diabetes mellitus

3) A 42yearold woman has recently been diagnosed with ovarian cancer. She had some

ascites drained a couple of weeks ago, which confirmed the diagnosis, and is now awaiting

the results of staging investigations but was admitted with increased abdominal pain.

She has been given bilateral nephrostomies earlier this week following renal obstruction.

You are working nights on the ward and are asked by the nursing staff to prescribe


Select the single best answer:

4) Paclitaxel

Topoisomerase II inhibitor

Prevention of microtubule disassembly

Inhibition of thymidylate synthase

Crosslink DNA

5) 5Fluorouracil

6) A 60yearold woman is diagnosed to have stage IV ovarian cancer. She wants to know when

death will occur.What is the most appropriate approach to answer her question?

7) This chemotherapy agent does not cause myelosupression

8) Methotrexate

9) A40-year-old woman presents with palpitations, numbness and tinglingin

the legs, and alopecia involving allbody hair.She has recently been diagnosed

with ovarian cancer and hasreceived three cycles of chemotherapy. Clinical

examination reveals pulse of 180bpm and normal blood pressure. She is booked

for debulking surgery in 10days.

10) Bleomycin

Cardiac failure

Hand foot syndrome


Pulmonary fibrosis

11) Doxorubicin

Pulmonary fibrosis


Cardiac failure

Haemorrhagic cystitis

12) 5Flurouracil

Topoisomerase II inhibitor

Prevention of microtubule disassembly

Inhibition of thymidylate synthase

Alkylating agent

13) Paclitaxel

Pulmonary fibrosis

Hand foot syndrome


Cardiac failure

14) A20-year-old woman is having treatment for a high-risk gestational trophoblastic disease.

She has just finished her second cycle of chemotherapy. 1week later she

presents with feeling unwell with motor weakness, double vision and sore throat

Clinical examination reveals lower limb power of 3/5 and lateral rectus palsy of

right eye, and blood results show myelosuppression.

15) Taxanes

16) Ifosfamide

Alkylating agent

Topoisomerase II inhibitor

Prevention of microtubule disassembly

Inhibition of thymidylate synthase

17) A 43yearold woman with a history of endometrial cancer presents with leftsided

hydronephrosis and left loin pain. Her creatinine is 82. A staging CT scan shows a large

pelvic mass with disseminated peritoneal deposits and an isolated liver metastases. A

ureteric stent is inserted successfully, with relief of her symptoms.

Twelve months ago she underwent a total abdominal hysterectomy and bilateral

salpingooophorectomy for a stage 1, grade 3 endometrioid endometrial cancer, and did not

receive adjuvant chemotherapy. Her ECOG performance score is 1.

What is the most appropriate management?

18) A 55yearold woman presents to clinic with a diagnosis of recurrent endometrial cancer. A

fullstaging CT scan shows three lung metastases, all less than 3 cm. Some 6 years ago, she

underwent a hysterectomy with bilateral salpingooophorectomy, bilateral

pelvic and paraaortic lymphadenectomy for a stage I, grade 2 welldifferentiated endometrioid

endometrial carcinoma. Her ECOG performance status is 1.

What is the most appropriate management?

19) A49-year-old woman presents with haematuria. She has recently been diagnosedwith

ovarian cancer and has received two cycles of chemotherapy. Cystoscopyreveals

haemorrhagic cystitis.

20) A20-year-old woman had medical treatment for an ectopic pregnancy 15 days ago.She

has been told not to get pregnant for at least 1month following this injection because the

drug has an antifolate action.

21) This chemotherapy agent is associated with a dosedependent risk

of cardiac failure

22) This chemotherapy agent is dosed using the serum creatinine

23) Cisplatin

Topoisomerase II inhibitor

Prevention of microtubule disassembly

Crosslink DNA

Inhibition of thymidylate synthase

24) Doxorubicin

Topoisomerase II inhibitor

Prevention of microtubule disassembly

Inhibition of thymidylate synthase

Not known

25) An 87yearold lady had radical surgery for vulval cancer 10 days ago. She also has chronic

obstructive pulmonary disease and is a smoker. Postoperatively she has been struggling

with pain and lack of appetite, and is frustrated that she cannot get out of bed without help

because she is feeling too weak. She says she wishes she had never agreed to the

operation and she wants to make sure you do not do anything else to prolong her life.

26) 5flurouracil

Haemorrhagic cystitis

Pulmonary fibrosis

Hand foot syndrome

Cardiac failure

27) Anthracyclines

28) This chemotherapy agent can be administered by both the oral and

intravenous routes

29) Bleomycin

Topoisomerase II inhibitor

Prevention of microtubule disassembly

Inhibition of thymidylate synthase

Causes singlestrand scission of DNA

30) A40-year-old woman has recently been diagnosed with ovarian cancer and has received

two cycles of chemotherapy. She presents with decreased urine output,

tingling in the lower limbs and is hard of hearing followingcompletion of the

second cycle. Her blood results show high creatinine and low magnesium.

31) This chemotherapy agent is associated with hand–foot syndrome and may exacerbate

angina in patients with ischaemic heart disease

32) Bleomycin

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