
EC, Sexual assault- General Gynaecology module part2

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1) Regarding oral EC, which of the following is false?


An 18-year-old girl has presented to family planning clinic requesting emergency
The following is true:


Which of the following statements is false? EC providers should consider ulipristal acetate EC
(UPA-EC) as first-line oral EC for a woman who:

4) Regarding oral EC, which of the following is false?


A 19-year-old man had consensual vaginal intercourse with a 16-year-old girl. He believed she
was 18 as they met at the student union bar


A 17-year-old girl comes to the accident and emergency department. She had unpro- tected
intercourse four days previously. She was not very keen on an intrauterine device (IUD).
What other alternatives do you wish to offer?

A woman presents for a Cu-IUD for EC after using her combined hormonal contraception
incorrectly only during Week 1. A Cu-IUD can be inserted for EC up to how many days after the

7) start of the hormone-free interval?


A woman requesting EC is taking hepatic enzyme-inducing drugs. Which of the following
statements is false:


Contraindications to the insertion of a Cu-IUD for EC are the same as those for routine IUD
insertion. Which of the following is a relative contraindication?


An IS-year-old woman attends the family planning clinic. She is very anxious because she had
unprotected sexual intercourse with a stranger 3 days ago. She is worried that she will get
pregnant but was not able to come to the clinic before this. She has epilepsy, which is well
controlled with phenytoin.
Which contraceptive method will you recommend?


Which of the following is true? UPA-EC may be less effective if a woman:


An IS-year-old woman attends the family planning clinic. She had unprotected
sexualintercoursewithastranger5daysagoandisveryworriedshewillget pregnant. She was not able
to come to the clinic for advice before this. She has no significant past medical history and is not
taking any medication.
Which one of the following emergency contraceptive methods is appropriate?


The Cu-IUD is the most effective method of EC. A 2012 systemic review reported an overall
pregnancy rate of:


1 During a woman’s fertile period, the pregnancy risk following a single episode of unprotected
sexual intercourse (UPSI) has been estimated to be up to:

15) 2 How does emergency contraception (EC) work? Which of the following statements is false?


A 48-year-old woman vaginally and anally penetrated a 32-year-old woman with her fingers
and an object without the consent of the 32-year-old woman

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