
Biochemistry Test (Part 1)

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1) What of the following is a major biochemical buffer in intracellular fluid (ICF)?

2) With regard to the cell cycle. At what stage do the chromosomes align on the equatorial plane?

3) Which nucleotide is unique to DNA?

4) What is the main plasma Cation?

5) A 28 year old women is seen in the early pregnancy unit. She has had a positive pregnancy test but is uncertain of her LMP. Ultrasound doesn't visualise a pregnancy. You perform bHCG tests 48 hours apart. The first bHCG is 400mIU/ml. The second is 190mIU/ml. What is the likely diagnosis

6) Which nucleotide is unique to RNA?

7) The COCP (Combined Oral Contraceptive Pill) causes all of the following biochemical effects EXCEPT which one?

8) A 28 year old women is seen in the early pregnancy unit. She has had a positive pregnancy test but is uncertain of her LMP. Ultrasound doesn't visualise a pregnancy. You perform bHCG tests 48 hours apart. The first bHCG is 400mIU/ml. The second is 690mIU/ml. What is the likely diagnosis

9) What biochemical process utilises pyruvate to form ATP?

10) What is the main intracellular Cation?

11) With regard to the cell cycle. In which part of the cycle does DNA replication occur?

12) With regard to the cell cycle. In what phase do nuclear envelopes form around daughter chromosomes?

13) A 28 year old women is seen in the early pregnancy unit. She has had a positive pregnancy test but is uncertain of her LMP. Ultrasound doesn't visualise a pregnancy. You perform a progesterone test. The result is 59 nmol/l. According to NICE guidelines what level is consistent with viable pregnancy?

14) Fibrinogen is activated by which of the following?

15) Which of the following is used in RNA analysis?

16) In times of starvation which ketone body listed below can be utilised by the heart for energy?

17) Which of the following organelles is responsible for protein folding and is studded with ribosomes?

18) Which of the following is used in protein analysis?

19) What is the role of DHEA produced by the fetal adrenal glands?

20) Which of the following proteins is a major tumour suppressor?

21) In times of starvation which ketone body listed below can be utilised by the heart for energy?

22) In the foetus where is the principle site of alpha fetoprotein (AFP) production

23) You see a diabetic women in preconception clinic. Which of the following is appropriate advice regarding folic acid supplementation?

24) What is the main biochemical buffer in blood?

25) What does NICE advise pregnant diabetic women should keep their HBA1C below?

26) Which of the following bases does Cytosine pair with?

27) Which of the following organelles is responsible for holding mRNA for translation into protein

28) You see a patient on the ward who is acutely short of breath and perform an ABG. The results are as follows

pH 7.25
pO2 8.6 kPA
pCO2 8.0 kPa
Base Excess +2
What is the acid base disturbance?

29) You see a 77 year old lady in clinic due to postmenopausal bleed. Pelvic ultrasound shows no evidence of malignancy and speculum examination is unremarkable. You are handed bloods and the results are below. What is the likely diagnosis?

Na 135 mmol/l
K5.5 mmol/l
Ur 10.6 mmol/l (HIGH)
Cr 138 mmol/l (HIGH)
ESR 28 mm/h (HIGH)
PTH 80 pg/ml (HIGH)
HBA1C 38 mmol/mol
Adjusted calcium 2.06 mol/l (LOW)

30) What is the role of DHEA produced by the fetal adrenal glands?

31) Which of the following organelles is responsible for fusing with vesicles and modifying the proteins contained within them?

32) Which is the most important ion for generating resting membrane potential (in non excitable cells)?

33) You see a 55 year old lady in menopause clinic. Taking a history she tells you she gets general aches and pains and has been worried about diabetes as she is constantly thirsty. Otherwise she has no significant past medical history and is on no regular medication. You organise bloods and the results are below. What is the likely diagnosis?

Na 135 mmol/l
K3.8 mmol/l
Ur 7.6 mmol/l
Cr 82 mmol/l
ESR 15 mm/h
PTH 80 pg/ml (HIGH)
HBA1C 38 mmol/mol
Adjusted calcium 2.76 mol/l (HIGH)

34) Where in the body are ketone bodies produced during times of starvation

35) With regard to the cell cycle. In which part of the cycle do Chromatids form?

36) With regard to the cell cycle. In what phase do chromatids get cleaved into chromosomes and pulled apart?

37) Which of the following are cell adhesion molecules that bind leucocytes?

38) Which of the following is used in protein analysis?

39) Which of the following organelles is responsible for protein folding and is studded with ribosomes?

40) What is the main biochemical buffer in urine?

41) Which of the following factors shifts the oxygen dissociation curve to the right?

42) You see a patient on the ward and perform an ABG. The results are as follows

pH 7.25
pO2 8.6 kPA
pCO2 8.0 kPa
Base Excess +2
What is the acid base disturbance?

43) A patient is seen in the gynaecology outpatient clinic and is noted to have large volume genital warts perianally and near the urethral meatus. You discuss treatment options and the patient opts for LASER therapy. Which of the following is the most appropriate type of LASER to use?

44) What is the main extracellular Cation?

45) Vitamin K is essential for the synthesis of

46) Which cell adhesion molecules are dependent on calcium ions to function?

47) What biochemical process produces pyruvate from glucose?

48) Which of the following factors shifts the oxygen dissociation curve to the left?

49) A diabetic women attends your preconception clinic. You have checked her HBA1C. According to NICE guidelines what HBA1C level would prompt you to strongly advise this women NOT to get pregnant due to the signifiant risks it presents?

50) What biochemical process utilises pyruvate to form ATP?

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