
C/S and complications - ANS module part 2

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1) . A36-year-old woman is electi.velybooked for a Caesarean section for placenta

praevia She has a history of previous laparoscopic salpingectomy for an ectopic

pregnancy, and two emergency previous Caesarean sections for failure to progress.

Youare the senior registrar, operating the consultant's supervision. Atthe end of

the procedure, you notice a 1em tear in the bladder dome.

What isthe correct management intraoperatively and what is your advice


2) 58. What is the most common type of postoperative infection following an emergency

caesarean section?

3) 5) A 30-year-old had an emergency caesarean section in the second

stage for a persistent bradycardia 6 days ago. She now presents with

progressive abdominal distension, which was initially painless but has

become increasingly painful. The pain is localised mainly to the right

side. She is tachycardiac on examination and also pyrexial. What is the

most likely diagnosis?

4) 57. Following surgery, how long should patients wait before they can shower?

5) You have been asked by your consultant to write a patient information

lea et on caesarean section. You decide to include information on serious

and frequently occurring risks.

What is the incidence of ureteric injury at the time of caesarean section?

6) Which of the following is least likely to be a complication of lower segment caesar-

ean section?

7) 80. What is the risk of bladder injury during caesarean section?

8) 7. You are the on-call registrar for the labour ward and are about to perform a

Caesarean section for failure to progress at 4 em cervical dilatation. Thiswoman is

a primigravida and has a body mass index of351cg!m2.The consultant wants you

to make an incision that willrequire the least amount of analgesia and result in less

febrile morbidity, the shortest operating time, less operative blood loss, the lowest

risk ofwound infection and a shorter hospital stay.

Which incision will you chooset

9) 28. A25-year-old woman undergoes an emergency caesarean section (CS) at full dilatation,

following a failed instrumental delivery. Regarding CS at full dilatation, which of the

following is correct?

10) During a primary caesarean section, at what point during the operation is a

bladder injury most likely to occur?

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