Early pregnancy care EMQ- part2
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The risk of miscarriage in a recognized pregnancy in a woman aged 35–39years
5w pregnant.βhCG600IU/Intrauterine gestation sac with mean diametermeasuring20mm.Ayolksacwasidentifiedwithinthegestation sac, but there is no evidence of a fetal pole
A31-year-old lady attends for a nuchal translucency scan at 11weeks’ gestation She is foundtohaveagestationalsacof23mmwithayolksac. Nofetalpoleisrecognised
4) A 37-year-old woman presents to her GP with 6 weeks of amenorrhoea. She under goes an ultra sound examination in the early pregnancy unitand is found to have a heterotopic pregnancy without cardiac activity in the ectopicsac.She is completely a symptomatic with stable vital signs.
A22-year-old is diagnosed with a 1.5cm left tubal ectopic pregnancy (described as gestational Sac-like structure)on ultra sound.Her βh CGIs 1500IU/Landhasincreasedto1600IU/Lin48h.Sheisasymptomatic(no pain or bleeding)and has no evidence of pelvic hemoperitoneum ultra sound
415.A woman presents with hyperemesis and bleeding to the gynecology assessment unit. An ultrasound scan suggests acompletemolar pregnancyandthisisconfirmedfollowinghistopathologicalanalysisofthe evacuatedproductsofconception.Whatisthekaryotypeofthespermthat fertilisedtheoocyte
A28-year-old lady presents with her partner after two consecutive miscarriages.Her last two miscarriages were in the middle trimester.She complains of agrey is h discharge and her pregnancy testis positive
A17-year-old is bought in by ambulance after collap singina shop. Her BPis100/70,HR115bpmandsats98%air.Shecomplainsofsevere abdominal pain and shoulder pain and feels faint.
9 w pregnant.βhCG2500IU/L. left pelvic tenderness. Ultra sound shows an empty uterus, free fluid in the pelvis(40mmby60mm)and a left adnexal mass containing sac-like structure measuring2.5cm
A27-year-old woman presents with history of bleeding at 8 weeks’ gestation.Ultrasound show saviable intrauterine pregnancy of 7weeks’ gestation.There is an18 ! 20 mmsub chorionichaematoma.O
A28 year-old-lady attends the gynaecology clinic after three consecutive miscarriages.She and her partner are other wise well and anxioustostart afamily.Whatisthemostappropriateadvice?
Acoupleareseeninthegynaecologyclinicaftertheirthirdmiscarriage. Thekaryotypingisnormal.Thrombophiliascreeningisnegative.Pelvic ultra sound is normal.
13) The proportion of ectopic pregnancies that are cervical pregnancies
28-year-oldG1P0is12weekspregnant.ShecomplainsofPVbleeding after inte rcourse. Her last cervicalsmear,6months ago, was reportedas normal.
A36-year-oldladywhoispara2presentsat10week’sgestationwith excessive bleeding and feeling cold and clammy. She is tachycardic on admissionwithaheartrateof120beats/ minute. On examination theosis open.
6 w pregnant.βhCG1000IU/L. Intrauterine sac measuring 50mm containing a fetal pole ofcrown-rumplength10mm.No fetal heart activity is identified.
A 26-year-old woman presents to the A &E with fever, vomitingand severe pain in her abdomen and flank.The last menstrual periodwas 6 weeks ago.Her urine pregnancy testis positive and urinalysis shows multiple puscellsandepithelialcells.Onexamination,sheisfoundtobe dehydratedwithapulseof98 beatsperminute(bpm),andherblood pressure(BP)is80/40 mmHgwithrigidityandguardinginthepelvicregion
A28-year-old lady presents with a positive pregnancy test in her fourth pregnancy at 7 weeks. She has had three consecutive miscarriages. blood results have shown anti cardiolipin antibodies outwoo casions.
.A19-year-old has under gone a medical termination of pregnancy at 9 weeks. She presents 2 weeks later with heavy vaginal bleeding
10wpregnant with cramping pelvic pain and vaginal bleeding.Ultra sound shows fetus with CRL 25 mm and fetal heart activity. Speculum examinationshows3–4cm di late dcervicaloswithevidenceofactive bleeding.
Anulliparous 21-year-oldladypresentswithabdominalpainoccurringfor the past 4 hours.She gives a history of fainting. She has apositive pregnancy test. She has irregular periods and can not recall the date of her last menstrual period.Ultrasounds how sat Hicken domatium with no fetal polewithintheuterus.ThereisasmallamountoffreefluidinPOD(Pouch ofDouglas).Shecomplainsofleftadnexalpainandhassignsofperitonism. Sheistachycardicandhasanormalbloodpressure.SerumbhCG(beta humanchorionicgonadotrophin)is2300IUandhaemoglobinlevelis95 g/dL.
.A recent immigrant to the U K presents with shortness of breath haemoptys is and vaginal bleeding.She describesa‘miscarriage’afew monthsearlier.Apregnancytestisstronglypositiveandanultrasound scanshowsahaemorrhagiccysticmassintheuterus.AchestX-rayshows multiplenodulesinbothlungs.Whatisthemostlikelykaryotypeofthe tumour?
A28-year-old lady presents in her fourth pregnancy at 14weeks.Her three miscarriages were in the middle trimester. On examination the cervix is found to be 2 cm dilated with coning of the membrane son ultrasound
A31-year-old woman presents with bleeding pervaginum.She is unsure of the date of her lastmenstrualperiod.Onultrasoundthereisan intrauterinegestationalsac17mminsizewithnocontents.
A 36-year-old woman is referred from the radiology department after her datingscanwithaspontaneous,viable7-weekquadrupletpregnancy.She hasmilddysuriaandabdominalpain.ExaminationshowsPRof78 bpm andBPof110/70mmHG withanormalabdominalexamination
26) The proportion of partial moles that are triploidin origin
A 16-year-old student attends the early pregnancy unit with mild abdominal pain and not being able to pass urine for the past12 hours
A recent ultra sound examination showed a viable intrauterine singleton pregnancy. On examination hervitalsignsarefound to bestablewithlower abdominal distension.
A34-year-old is diagnosed by ultra sound to have probable complete molar pregnancy at 10weeks’gestation.
29) A 33-year-oldprimigravidapresentstotheearlypregnancyunitat10-
week gestation with painful vaginal bleeding. On examination , her vital
signs are found to best able. Speculum examination reveals mild vaginal
bleeding with a closed cervix. Ultra sound examination shows viable
intrauterine pregnancy .Her urinalysis is normal.
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