
Embryology Test (Part 1)

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1) The placenta develops from which structure?A) 6 weeks gestation

2) The second pharyngeal arch gives rise to which of the following structures?

3) The round ligament develops from which structure?

4) From which germ layer does the kidney develop?

5) The third pharyngeal arch gives rise to which of the following structures?

6) Ootidogenesis refers to which process during Oogenesis?

7) Branches V2 and V3 of the Trigeminal nerve develop from which pharyngeal arch?

8) How many days after fertilisation does implantation typically occur?

9) From which germ layer does the Pituitary develop?

10) How many days after fertilisation does the morula form?

11) The subclavian artery develops from which pharyngeal arch?

12) The 7th cranial nerve develops from which pharyngeal arch?

13) The 6th pharyngeal arch gives rise to which of the following?

14) What is the innervation to the 4th part of duodenum?

15) Which of the following structures develop from the mesodermal somites?

16) Which of the following is a feature of intestinal malrotation?

17) What process would you expect a secondary spermatocyte to undergo during spermatogenesis?

18) At what gestation does physiological gut herniation occur?

19) What is the principle arterial supply to the jejunum?

20) How many days after fertilisation does the blastocyst form?

21) At what age does meconium first appear in the fetal terminal ilium?

22) Somites are derived from which germ layer?

23) The external carotid artery develops from which pharyngeal arch?

24) From what does the blastocyst hatch?

25) From which germ cell layer does the GI tract initially develop? A) Neural crest of Ectoderm

26) From which germ layer does the myenteric plexus of the GI tract developed: A) 6 weeks gestation

27) From which germ layer does the Pancreas develop? A) 6 weeks gestation

28) Which pharyngeal arch gives rise to no muscular or skeletal structures?

29) What is the innervation to the sigmoid colon?

30) Which pharyngeal arch is closest to the head of the embryo?

31) During oogenesis which cell type has the greatest number of chromatids?A) Neural crest of Ectoderm

32) Approximately how many oocytes are present in the ovaries at birth?

33) The thyroid cartilage and cricothyroid muscle develop from which pharyngeal arch?

34) During formation of the mid, fore and hind guts the initial gut tube undegoes rotation. Which of the following is correct regarding rotation of the midgut during this process?

35) When does Oocytogenesis complete?

36) A Bicornuate uterus is due to which of the following?

37) What is the principle arterial supply to the ascending colon? A) Neural crest of Ectoderm

38) What process changes a spermatogonium into a primary spermatocyte?

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