
Endocrinology Test (Part 1)

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1) Which of the following is true of nephrogenic diabetes insipidus?

2) Which of the following is the most common cause of hyperthyroidism and is typically characterised by a small to moderate diffuse firm goitre?


Which of the following hormones are required for alveolar morphogenesis during pregnancy
hPL ‐ Human Placental Lactogen
GH ‐ Growth Hormone

4) Which of the following inhibits prolactin?

5) You are asked to review a patient with known adrenal insufficiency. Which of the following causes of adrenal insufficiency would you NOT expect hyper pigmentation to be a clinical feature of?

6) Which of the following is responsible for the formation of Angiotensin I from Angiotensinogen

7) The zona glomerulosa produces which of the following hormones?

8) You see a 32 year old women in clinic who mentions she has been sweating and has frequent headaches. On examination you note her blood pressure is 195/105 and pulse rate is 110. You suspect pheochromocytoma. Pheochromocytoma accounts for what percentage of cases of hypertension?

9) Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) is structurally similar to which of the following hormones?

10) What is the leading cause of primary aldosteronism?

11) A patient is attending pre‐op clinic prior to elective excision of a Bartholin's cyst. The patient is well in themselves apart from feeling a bit tired. The nurse asks you to review them as the patients blood pressure is 88/58 and the bloods are as follows:

Na+ 133 mmol/l
K+  5.4 mmol/l
Urea 8.5 mmol/l
Creatinine 80 µmol/l
You suspect adrenal insufficiency. What would the most appropriate next test be?

12) Prognathism and macroglossia are features of which of the following?

13) Whilst reviewing a 34 year old patient with amenorrhoea in clinic they tell you they have gained over 10kg in weight in the past 8 weeks and have noticed worsening acne. Routine bloods taken that morning show a random glucose 11.1mmol/l, normal thyroid function tests and negative pregnancy test. BP is 168/96 mmHg. You suspect Cushing's. What would the most appropriate investigation be to conform the diagnosis?

14) Where is Angiotensin II produced?

15) Where is Renin produced?

16) Which of the following statements regarding progesterone production in the ovary is true?

17) You review a patients notes to see they are consistently hypertensive with average BP of 160/105. The U&Es are also abnormal with a borderline low potassium of 3.2 mmol/l. You suspect Conn's syndrome. Which of the following would be the most appropriate next test?:

18) Aromatase is key to Estradiol production in the ovaries. Which of the following statements is true?

19) Human placental lactogen (hPL) is structurally similar to which of the following hormones?

20) In girls what is the first sign of puberty?

21) You are called to see a 22 year old primigravida women who is 10 weeks pregnant, has severe vomiting and is unable to keep fluids down. You suspect hyperemesis gravidarum. What is the underlying cause?

22) You see a 42 year old women in clinic who mentions she has been sweating and has frequent headaches. On examination you note her blood pressure is 195/105 and pulse rate is 110. You suspect pheochromocytoma. Which of the following conditions is NOT associated with higher risk of pheochromocytoma?

23) A 15 year old girl is being investigated for primary amenorrhoea. She has normal FSH,LH and E2 levels on hormone profiling and normal secondary sexual characteristics. An ultrasound shows no uterus. What is the likely diagnosis?

24) Cortisol is produced where?


A patient is referred to the fertility clinic by her GP. Whilst you are explaining her blood results the patient admits she has been using the combined oral contraceptive pill
intermittently but had told her GP she hadn't had any contraception in the past 12 months.Which of the following accurately reflects the effects of the COCP on a patients hormone profile?

FSH ‐ follicle stimulating hormone
LH ‐ luteinizing hormone
E2 ‐ Oestradiol (estradiol)
AMH ‐ anti‐mullerian hormone

26) Where are ADH (vasopressin) and Oxytocin synthesised?

27) Which of the following is NOT a recognised cause of hyperprolactinaemia?

28) Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin (HCG) is structurally similar to which of the following hormones?

29) The zona glomerulosa produces which of the following hormones?

30) What percentage of pregnancies are affected by hypothyroidism (including subclinical hypothyroidism)?

31) The ovaries produce androgen and progesterone. What is the common precursor for both of these hormones?

32) Delayed puberty in girls is defined as?

33) What is the most common cause of hypothyroidism worldwide?

34) What is the appropriate response to increased calcitonin production


Which of the following hormones stimulate ductal morphogenesis during pregnancy
hPL ‐ Human Placental Lactogen
GH ‐ Growth Hormone

36) What is the most common cause of endogenous Cushing's syndrome?

37) Polycystic ovarian syndrome is classed as?

38) Where are ADH (vasopressin) and Oxytocin synthesised?

39) Chromaffin cells produce which of the following hormones?

40) At ovulation the surge in LH causes rupture of the mature oocyte via action on what?

41) What is the most common cause of premature menopause in the UK?

42) You are called to assist in an initially midwife led delivery. Upon delivering a female baby you notice the baby has partial fusion of the labioscrotal folds. You suspect congenital adrenal hyperplasia. Which of the following is the most common enzyme deficiency?

43) Which major hormone of pregnancy is produced by the placenta from 16‐hydroxydehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (16‐OH DHEAS)?

44) In the non‐pregnant state which of the following hormones is secreted by the corpus luteum?

45) In relation to ovulation when does the LH surge occur?

46) A patient with amenorrhoea is seen in clinic. History and examination reveal the patient runs 10‐20 miles every day and her BMI is 17.8. Which of the following is likely to explain her symptoms?

47) Which of the following inhibit Glucagon?

48) You see a 32 year old women in clinic who mentions she has been sweating and has frequent headaches. On examination you note her blood pressure is 195/105 and pulse rate is 110. You suspect pheochromocytoma. Pheochromocytoma incidence in pregnancy is approximately?

49) What is the most common cause of premature menopause in the UK?


Which of the following hormones are required for alveolar morphogenesis during pregnancy
hPL ‐ Human Placental Lactogen
GH ‐ Growth Hormone

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