
Microbiology Test Part 1

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A 35 year old lady is seen in clinic for IVF counselling. She reports having bloody watery
diarrhoea for the past 5 days and a fever up to 39oC. A day or two earlier she had takeaway
chicken that tasted "funny". Which gram negative rod is likely to be responsible?

2) What epithelium cell type lines the ureters?


The RCOG define septic shock as the persistence of hypoperfusion despite adequate fluid
replacement therapy. What is the mortality rate in patients with septic shock?


A 24 year old patient who is 14 weeks pregnant has her urine dipped during an antenatal visit.
This shows leucocytes ++ and nitrites ++. You suspect a UTI and send a urine sample for culture.
According to NICE guidance which of the following is most appropriate treatment option?


A 24 year old female patient undergoes an STI screen due to development of dysuria 5 days
earlier. The results are positive for chlamydia infection. With regard to contact tracing what is
the recommended action regarding tracing and informing sexual partners in this case?


According to the UK NSC and NICE which of the following should be screened for during routine
antenatal care?


What is the approximate risk of HIV transmission during a single episode of vaginal unprotected
sexual intercourse with a known HIV positive person?

8) Which of the following describes Neisseria Gonorrhoeae?

9) HPV genotypes 6 and 11 are associated with which of the following?

10) Regarding the image of the oocyte below what is the name given to the part labelled A

11) What is the primary host for Toxoplasma Gondii?

12) Which of the following is an RNA virus?


A 24 year old patient decides to take a Chlamydia screening test whilst in the GP surgery. He is
asymptomatic. The results are positive for chlamydia infection. His partner attends for testing
and wants to know the risk of contracting Chlamydia. What is the risk of chlamydia infection
following intercourse with an asymptomatic chlamydia positive partner?

14) What is the primary causative organism in Bacterial Vaginosis?


A 29 year old patient who is 22 weeks pregnant seeks your advice as she was recently exposed
to chickenpox. Regarding fetal varicella syndrome (FVS) which of the following statements is
correct regarding maternal varicella infection?


What is the tubal factor infertility rate following a single episode of Pelvic Inflammatory

17) What type of virus is the Rubella virus?

18) Which species of candida is the most common cause of genital candida infection in pregnancy?

19) Which of the following describes Toxoplasma Gondii?


You are asked to see a 42 year old women due to pelvic pain and PV discharge. She had IUCD
fitted for emergency contraception 4 years ago. You send swabs. The microscopy reveals
sulphur granules. What is the likely causative organism?


A 26 year old patient known to have Group B Streptococcus (GBS) on vaginal swab is going into
labour. A normal vaginal delivery is planned. She is penicillin allergic. What intrapartum
antiobiotic treatment is advised?

22) Which group of beta haemolytic streptococci is associated with chorioamnioitis?

23) What family of virus does Rubella belong to?


A 32 year old patient develops painful ulcerated genital lesions and inguinal lymphadenopathy.
She is 32 weeks pregnant. You suspect genital herpes and send swabs. Which of the following is
appropriate management according to the 2014 BASHH/RCOG guidelines?

25) HPV genotypes 6 and 11 are associated with which of the following?

26) What virus family does HIV belong to?

27) HPV genotypes 6 and 11 are associated with which of the following?

28) What is the prevalence of HIV in the UK obstetric population?


A 26 year old patient known to have Group B Streptococcus (GBS) on vaginal swab is being
admitted for elective C‐section delivery. She is penicillin allergic. What intrapartum antiobiotic
treatment is advised?

30) Which of the following is the causative organism in Syphilis infection?


You are asked to review a patient in ITU. They have undergone extensive tissue debridement
for gas gangrene. What is the causative organism of gas gangrene?


Which of the following is the most common cause of abnormal vaginal discharge in patients of
childbearing age?


A patient has been referred to clinic following diagnosis of a Gumma. What stage of syphilis
infection is this?


You are asked to see a 33 year old women who is 16 weeks pregnant. She complains of frothy
yellow vaginal discharge and vaginal soreness. A wet smear is sent and microscopy reveals
Trichomoniasis. What percentage of women with trichomoniasis infection have the classic
frothy yellow PV discharge?


According to the UK NSC and NICE which of the following should NOT be screened for during
routine antenatal care?


You are asked to review a 24 year old women in A&E. She delivered by C‐section following
failed vaginal delivery 3 weeks earlier. She complains of lower abdominal and renal angle pain
and has also noticed an offensive smelling vaginal discharge over the past 2‐3 days. Her
observations are:
T: 38.1°C
BP: 100/60
HR: 92
RR 20
She tells you she is not breastfeeding and has no known drug allergies.
What is the most appropriate option regarding her antimicrobial management?

37) In type 2 necrotising fasciitis what is the most likely causative organism?


You are asked to speak to a 27 year old patient who is pregnant for the first time. She is
concerned as her friend recently gave birth and the baby was found to have profound hearing
loss. Her friend was told this was due to an infection whilst she was pregnant. What is the most
common infective cause of congenital hearing loss?


What percentage of women develop antibodies to Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) following

40) Which of the following is a DNA virus?

41) What is the causative organism of Toxoplasmosis?

42) Which of the following is a gram positive obligate anaerobe?

43) What is the incubation period for CMV?

44) Which of the following is a double stranded RNA virus?

45) Which of the following is a single stranded DNA virus?


Which of the following infections is most commonly associated with an increased risk of ectopic


When is the highest risk of maternal‐fetal transmission of Toxoplasma Gondii during

48) Regarding the image of the oocyte below what is the name given to the part labelled F

49) HPV genotypes 6 and 11 are associated with which of the following?

50) What is the incubation period for Rubella?

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