
Mock Test-1 (SBA -EMQ)(Module -part-2)

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1) Which patient is said to be anemic postpartum?


A woman attends the labour ward by ambulance after experiencing a cord prolapse when
her membranes ruptured at home at 36 weeks of gestation. There are no signs of labour

3) A 35-year-old woman with a BMI of 22 presents to the fertility clinic. She has irregular

cycles once in 2–3 months and is anxious to conceive. Her ultrasound reveals polycystic


A 26-year-old woman presents to the gynaecology clinic with a 2-year history of cyclical pelvic pain,
deep dyspareunia and dysmenorrhoea


Which derangement of acid–base balance is associated with augmentation cystoplasty for the
treatment of an overactive bladder?

6) Definative treatement for anaphylaxsis




Contraindications to the insertion of a Cu-IUD for EC are the same as those for routine IUD
insertion. Which of the following is a relative contraindication?



  1. 10) Rate of uterine perforation in IUC insertion is

A healthy 35-year-old woman attends the antenatal clinic at 37 weeks gestation in her third
pregnancy. She has had two previous caesarean sections for breech presentation, but the
current preg- nancy has a cephalic presentation and she would like to have a vaginal birth after
caesarean (VBAC).
What would be the risk of uterine rupture if she labours with such a history?


A 30-year-old woman has symptoms of recurrent abdominal pain, which improve with a bowel
movement. She has also noticed increased bowel movements and a feeling of bloating. These symptoms
have occurred over the past 6 months and are worse when eating certain foods.

13) Which AED concentration is affected by COCs



ultrasoundscanrevealsalarge20 cmintramuralfbroidandfourothersmall
intramuralfbroids.Urinedipsticktestresultwasnormal.She was reviewedin
the gynaecologyclinicandwasoferedmyomectomyinviewofhersymptoms.

15) Method used to generate a large number of ideas and suggestions.


A 65-year-old diabetic patient with a BMI of 35 kg/m2
had a
AH+BSO for complex endometrial hyperplasia with atypia.
What is the best pharmacologic thromboprophylaxis regimen for this

17) A missed DSG pill (all brands) is one that is:


.Myomectomy for large uterine broids can be associated with massive
blood loss, blood transfusion and conversion from myomectomy to
Which of the following is not a recognized intervention to reduce blood
loss at the time of open myomectomy?

19) .. The most common serious risk of an abdominal hysterectomy.





A 34-year-old woman has noticed intermittent abdominal pain since a horse riding accident 2 years
previously. The pain is worse on movement and she is able to point to an area of focal tenderness.


A 34-year-old woman, para 1, presents to the labour ward at 40 weeks of gestation
with regular contractions every 3 minutes. Abdominal examination reveals
ballotable head and vaginal examination reveals early labour. Thirty minutes later
she has a spontaneous rupture of membranes and cord prolapse. She is pushed to
theatre for crash caesarean section. She wants to know her risk of bladder injury.

23) A 56-year-old woman presents to the urogynaecology clinic with dysuria and vagina

irritation. This has been a problem for many months. Urine routine and culture are
negative for bacterial presence. Local examination shows a urethral caruncle.


A fit, 39-year-old, 18-week pregnant woman presented with non-specific abdominal pain,
left-sided leg pain and oedema to the emergency department following a recent safari holiday in
Africa. Doppler ultrasound scan of the leg is normal.
What is the most likely diagnosis?


A 48-year-old woman presents with amenorrhoea for 10 months. She is concerned
about her family history of osteoporosis and a recent DEXA scan showed a low T score
with osteopenia globally. Her mum and aunt have been operated for breast cancer
Polycystic ovarian syndrome

26) Students work together to identify and solve a clinical question.


A 24-year-old woman in her second pregnancy presents at 12 weeks’ gestation with
confirmed venous thromboembolism (VTE). How would you advise her with regard to her




. Following a sacrospinous fixation procedure, a woman returns to hospital with
worsening gluteal and vulval pain. The pain is worse when she sits down.


Following a prolonged difficult hysterectomy for rectovaginal endometriosis, a
48-year-old woman makes a good postoperative recovery in hospital, although
she did notice some altered sensation on the medial aspect of the thigh and calf.
When she returns home a few days later, she is unable to climb the stairs.


A 17-year-old girl is brought to the gynaecology outpatient department with a history of
primary amenorrhoea. On questioning, she admits to having cyclical abdominal pain
and increasing difficulty with, not in voiding urine and defecation.


What is the most appropriatenextstepinhermanagement?


An 18-year-old girl presents to the OPD with cessation of her period that commenced
at 15 years of age. It has been increasingly infrequent over the last 2 years and she has
not had a period for more than a year now. On examination, it was found that she has a
wide carrying angle.


A method of converting learning acquired into clear intentions about how the knowledge
and skills will be used.


A 32-year-old parous woman presents to the gynaecology clinic as she is unable to lose
weight. She was diagnosed with PCOS but has never had any menstrual irregularity


A 28-year-old woman is admitted to the day surgery unit for diagnostic
laparoscopy. She has been suffering from dysmenorrhoea which has outlasted
her periods for the last 2 years. An ultrasound scan reveals normal ovaries and an
endometrial polyp. She is scared that she may die while asleep


. A 13-year-old girl is brought to the gynaecology OPD by her mother. She attained
menarche a year ago but has had only two cycles in the year. She weighs 48 kg. Her BMI
is normal. The mother is concerned as she has polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).


You are assisting your consultant in a Burch colposuspension
procedure for urodynamic stress incontinence a er an unsuccessful V
Which of the following transverse skin incisions allows the easiest access
to the space of Retzius?


You are called urgently to see a collapsed woman in room 4 on the labour ward. She has
just had a prolonged labour and instrumental delivery. The midwife says the woman complained
of slight headache, became short of breath and then said she had chest pain before she
Which of these symptoms is not suggestive of a pulmonary embolism?

40) The most common serious risk of vaginal surgery for prolapse

. Following a sacrospinous fixation procedure, a woman returns to hospital with
worsening gluteal and vulval pain. The pain is worse when she sits down.

41) has altered sensation on the lateral aspect of her calf and the dorsum of her foot.

42) Which type of ureteric injury is most commonly reported at laparoscopy?


A 52-year-old woman presents with severe hot flushes. She takes tablets for
hypertension that has been well managed for the past 6 years. She had a hysterectomy
when she was 49

44) Suprapubic pressure


.pt 32 years with Placenta Previa and minimal bleeding during ANC period..
When can the delivery be planned.

46) . McRoberts

47) Which is not an example of a formative assessment:


A grandmultiparous woman in precipitant labour is found to have a cord prolapse. She is fully
dilated on vaginal examination. CTG shows a prolonged deceleration


A 20-year-old woman has just given birth to a healthy male infant 3300g with the aid of a second degree
episiotomy; third stage
of labour is complete with minimal blood loss. The woman now needs a straightforward surgical repair
of the episiotomy.


A woman known to have an unstable lie calls the labour ward describing leaking fluid and a
cord dangling between her legs. Your colleague arranges ambulance transfer for the woman




follow-upafer3 months.

53) . Reverse wood screw


A 48-year-old woman vaginally and anally penetrated a 32-year-old woman with her fingers
and an object without the consent of the 32-year-old woman


A 19-year-old man had consensual vaginal intercourse with a 16-year-old girl. He believed she
was 18 as they met at the student union bar

56) Rubin II


19 year old lady who had stillbirth at 38 weeks has come to see you 2 weeks after delivery. She
has agreed to have postmortem.
What percentage of still births have congenital anomalies.


A 24-year-old Asian woman is in spontaneous labour in her first pregnancy with her husband supporting
her. The cervix was 5
cm dilated when examined one hour ago
and meconium-stained liquor was draining. The CTG suddenly has a prolonged deceleration down to
80b/min and has lasted for
eight minutes. The obstetric team have advised a category 1 caesarean section as the woman is still in
the first stage of labour
but the couple steadfastly refuse. They both speak enough English to understand that failure to
intervene may seriously affect
their baby and a stillbirth may be a consequence.

59) A 40-year-old woman is booked for an elective caesarean section for breech

presentation. She goes into labour before the planned operation date at 38 weeks
of gestation. She is concerned about the possibility of losing her womb during
caesarean section.


A community midwife attending a planned home birth experiences a cord prolapse at 4 cm
dilatation. She has called an ambulance.


A 65-year-old woman is prescribed mirabegron (Betmiga, Astellas Pharma) for detrusor
What type of drug is mirabegron?

62) Rate of infraumbilical adhesions after midline laparotomy


A 35 year old woman presents at 41 weeks gestation with spontaneous rupture of the
membranes and heavily blood-stained liquor. Maternal pulse and BP are normal and the CTG
is reactive. The cervix is partially effaced and 1cm dilated. There are no uterine contractions


An 18-year-old girl presents to the OPD with cessation of her period that commenced
at 15 years of age. It has been increasingly infrequent over the last 2 years and she has
not had a period for more than a year now. On examination, it was found that she has a
wide carrying angle Disorders of menstrual bleeding


.According to NICE , to reduced the surgical site infection ;the use of antiseptic
preparation should be


Ms. XY is 55 years old. She suffers from symptoms of an overactive bladder. Bladder retraining
has not helped her. Her recent urine analysis is negative for infection.
What is next step in her management?


A 23-year-old woman presents with lower abdominal pain which is bilateral. She has
diffuse tenderness on examination, is febrile and her period was 3 weeks ago. A urine
pregnancy test is negative. Speculum examination reveals a congested cervix and
cervical excitation


This method puts the emphasis on who is doing the learning and that the learning
outcomes have been achieved.


A 16-year-old with primary amenorrhoea, 46XX on karyotyping, normal external genitalia and
secondary sexual characteristics but absent uterus on ultrasound.


A 51-year-old woman with two previous vaginal deliveries is seen in the gynaecology outpatient
clinic complaining of leaking urine on coughing and sneezing for the past three months. She has no
other urinary symptoms and is not on any medications. Abdominal and pelvic examination is normal.
What would you tell her regarding the number of pelvic floor contractions to perform and the
frequency of the exercise programme per day?


A 21-year-old patient presents to the gynaecology OPD with complaints of not having
periods after her premature delivery of twins 15 months ago. She did not have lactation
at all, and the baby has been fed with formula milk throughout. Her GP has recently
recommended a thyroxine supplementation due to her weight gain and abnormal
thyroid results. She mentions that she does not like coffee anymore as she cannot
perceive, not bear its aroma.

72) The most common visceral injury (serious risk) associated with caesarean section.


A para 0+5 (5 miscarriages), IVF pregnancy, gestation of 23+0, is confirmed to have
premature rupture of membranes and a cord prolapse


A 52-year-old woman presents with complaints of low libido. She attained menopause
5 years ago and is taking estrogen and progesterone HRT.


A 24-year-old woman presents to the gynaecology OPD with irregular periods. She has
a 6-month history of amenorrhoea. Her periods have been irregular for the last 2 years.
She is not in a relationship currently. She has been advised weight loss by the GP and is
trying to maintain a healthy diet and active lifestyle.


A 24-year-old woman complains of pelvic pain for the last 8 months. She has been
booked for diagnostic laparoscopy. A specialist registrar is obtaining consent
for the surgery and informing about the risk of serious complications in this

77) .To undertake laparoscopic entry using the Hasson technique, you will require


Allows students to choose appropriate topics to learn at a convenient time, pace and
location for them.


During a woman’s fertile period, the pregnancy risk following a single episode of unprotected
sexual intercourse (UPSI) has been estimated to be up to:

80) Episiotomy


A 34-year-old woman has noticed intermittent abdominal pain since a horse riding accident 2 years
previously. The pain is worse on movement and she is able to point to an area of focal tenderness.

82) For which of the following conditions would you consider a hospital setting for the insertion of an intrauterine device?



A 25-year-old woman with secondary amenorrhoea, normal height and secondary sexual
characteristics with a BMI of 16.

84) A 27-year-old multiparous woman had spontaneous rupture of membranes at

37 weeks of gestation. She is a carrier of group B Streptococcus (GBS) as detected

on a vaginal swab in the second trimester.

What is the most appropriate management?


A 35-year-old woman with subfertility is undergoing abdominal myomectomy. What are
the chances of her achieving a spontaneous pregnancy assuming that there are no
associated factors that may affect her fertility?

86) .A 16-year-old girl with anosmia, primary amenorrhoea and normal height.


The Cu-IUD is the most effective method of EC. A 2012 systemic review reported an overall
pregnancy rate of:


35-year-old woman with secondary amenorrhoea attends the fertility clinic. Blood tests show FSH of
39 IU/L and LH of 45 IU/L.


A 24-year-old woman is brought to the hospital with complaints of abdominal pain
and spotting. Her period was 2 weeks ago, and the pregnancy test is negative. She is
afebrile, has no gastrointestinal symptoms, examination is normal and recovers with
simple analgesia

90) A38-year-oldwomanisreferredtogynaecologyclinicbyGP.Shegiveshistory




You see a woman in the gynaecology outpatient clinic. She has symptoms of frequency and
urgency of micturition. You asked her to keep a bladder diary.
Over what length of time should a bladder diary be undertaken?


A 16-year-old with normal breast development, primary amenorrhoea, tall stature and 46XY on


A 22-year-old woman is brought to the Accident and Emergency department with
complaints of diarrhoea with sudden onset of abdominal pain and fainting spell.
She uses the minipill but is noncompliant. She has irregular periods.

94) A 16-year-old girl with inadequate breast development, amenorrhoea and short stature.

95) A 33-year-old woman has just had her second normal vaginal delivery. She is

a known group B Streptococcus (GBS) carrier, and received the loading dose

of benzylpenicillin 30 minutes prior to delivery. She is otherwise low risk

obstetrically and the baby was born in good condition.

What initial management of the neonate would be recommended?


A 25-year-old woman presents to the hospital with abdominal pain and vomiting.
She had nausea for more than 24 hours. She is pyrexial and has tenderness with cervical
movement. Urine pregnancy test is negative.


A 26-year-old woman has arrived on the labour ward in spontaneous labour in her first pregnancy. The
fetal heart rate is
auscultated at 60 beats/m. The obstetric team have advised an urgent category 1 caesarean section as
the woman is still in the
first stage of labour. She is taken immediately to the operating theatre in order to deliver the baby as soon as
possible and the on-call
paediatrician is summons to attend urgently

98) .What is the most common site for uterine perforation during evacuation


Which one of the followingtestsdiferentiatesandrogen-producingadrenal

100) The commonest pathogen causing ascending genital tract infection following deliv-

ery of any type (miscarriage/abortion, termination, caesarean section, vaginal deliv-

ery) is:


Your score is
