
Mock Test-4_Module Part-1

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1) Which of the following is true regarding Down syndrome?

2) You are counseling a 16-year-old G1P0 girl and her 16-year-old boyfriend. Two weeks ago they received a quad screen result with a 1:50 risk for Down She has noninformative family history and medical history. You begin counseling by explaining that the number of chromosomes in a fetus is how many?

3) A couple are both known to carry the trait for a haemoglobinopathy. They decline any invasive testing when they conceive their first At an anomaly scan at 20 weeks’ gestation the fetus is found to have severe hydrops. In utero death occurs at 22 weeks' gestation.What is the most likely cause of the fetal demise?


4) Which process establishes the three definitive germ layers?

5) Which of the following is an essential amino acid?


6) A 73-year-old woman is admitted to the intensive care unit for septic shock from a urinary tract infection. The critical care fellow is concerned she may not have an appropriate stress response and orders a cosyntropin Which hormone does this test evaluate?

7) A 19-year-old woman with a complaint of never having had menses comes to your Physical examination shows that she is 1.37 m tall and weighs 94 lb. She lacks breast and pubic hair development.There is webbing of her neck and cubitus valgus.

Which of the following would be the simplest, yet most useful, initial test to begin her evaluation?

8) Acetazolamide is a carbonic anhydrase inhibitor and is used in the treatment of all the following conditions except which one?

9) Which of the following is true regarding the human rectum?

10) Which artery supplies the structures derived from the foregut of the embryo?

11) Which of the following is true concerning the Müllerian ducts?

12) A 41-year-old woman presents with severe, sharp epigastric abdominal pain that radiates to her back and with nausea and vomiting. Laboratory results indicate a serum triglyceride level of 5000 mg/dL. She is diagnosed with pancreatitis, in part owing to her elevated serum triacyl- glycerol To form triacylglycerol from diacylglycerol, which of the following compounds is also required?

13) Which of the following is true regarding hermaphroditism?


14) in a normal adult woman weighing 75 kg, which of the following is not true regarding the extracellular fluid (ECF)

15) Which of the following is not a derivative of the vitelline vein?

16) Normal clotting of blood requires

17) A 39-year-old multiparous woman is 13 weeks She has serum screening as part of the combined test. Analysis shows an elevated level of α-fetoprotein and a normal level of pregnancy-associated plasma protein A.What diagnosis are the screening results suggestive of?

18) Which of the following drugs causes hypokalaemia?

19) At the end of week 2 of development (day 14), what is the composition of the embryonic disk?

20) The hair cells in the semi-circular canals are stimulated by which of the following?

21) What is the inheritance of sickle cell disease(SCD)?


22) Which of the following is true regarding the ventricular filling?


23) During delivery of a first twin, a very tight nuchal cord is reduced from the baby’s neck by clamping and dividing it. After this, the second twin (as yet unborn) develops severe fetal Of the following, what is the most likely mechanism for the distress in the second twin?

24) Which of the following is true regarding the ductus venosus?

25) Deficiency of following vitamin deficiency cause paraesthesia

26) The cells of which structure form the chorionic villi?

27) Which of the following is true regarding colour blindness?


28) Two couples present to the emergency room with severe nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. One of the patients admits that she had a dinner party and served a salad containing mushrooms she had picked during a hike in the forest earlier that day. Inhibition of which enzyme or process explains the clinical manifestations of a-amanitin poisoning seen in these patients?

29) A 23-year-old woman is referred to an endocrinologist for weight gain, especially around the waist. She also has striae over the abdomen and a rounded appearance to her face. She is found to have Cushing disease. Which of the following would most likely be found in this patient, compared with someone who does not have Cushing disease?

30) gastric juice deficiency is likely to result in which of the following abnormality?

31) at birth which of the following changes occur in the foetus?

32) Which of the following is the origin of the mitochondrial DNA of all human adult cells?

33) 46 XY karyotype is associated with which of the following condition?

34) A healthy 5 ft 6 tall, adult female is most likely to have a pelvic inlet that would be classified as which of the following Caldwell-Moloy types?

35) Poor wound healing, impaired spermatogenesis, diarrhoea, dermatitis, alopecia are the features of which mineral deficiency-

36) Which of the following is the leading cause of Down Syndrome?


37) What is the main site of iron absorption?


38) Which of the following disorders have an autosomal recessive pattern of inheritance?


39) A 46 XY karyotype associated with a female phenotype is found in which of the following?

40) Women having their first child after the age of 35 are associated with an increased risk of which of the following?

41) Which of the following conditions is not associated with genetic anticipation?

42) A 32-year-old primiparous woman suffers a massive antepartum haemorrhage and undergoes an emergency caesarean section. During the caesarean section she suffers a massive obstetric haemorrhage requiring transfusion of blood and clotting As a result of these events, she develops disseminated intravascular coagulopathy.Which of the following laboratory results would be expected in this condition?

43) Severe diarrhoea causes a decrease in all of the following except?

44) Which of the following is true about the smooth muscle cells?


45) Which of the following organs does not respond to oestrogens?

46) Which of the following structures pass under the inguinal ligament?


47) intracranial pressure does not rise in which of the following situation?

48) Cell membrane primarily composed of:

49) Which of the following occurs during the isometric ventricular contraction?

50) From which of the following is the nerve supply to the vulva derived?

51) Which of the following is true regarding Down syndrome?

52) Whilst examining the abdomen of a 21-year-old female with abdominal pain you notice a well-defined “six-pack”. Which muscle is this?

53) A 32-year-old woman is 15 weeks pregnant with her second She opts to have antenatal screening and has blood taken as part of the quadruple test. The result shows reduced levels of α-fetoprotein and unconjugated oestriol with elevated β-human chorionic gonadotrophin. Which of the following is the most likely explanation for the screening results:

54) In oogenesis, which of the following events occurs immediately following the completions of meiosis II?

55) Which of the following is true concerning 1,25-(OH)2D3 (vitamin D)?

  1. 56) What is the uterine corpus mainly composed of?


57) Which of the following organs is derived from ectodermal neural crest cells?

58) A 27-year-old woman has a cervical smear result which shows ‘borderline’ Which cells line the ectocervix?

59) During ovulation, the secondary oocyte resides at what specific stage of meiosis?

60) Which of following vitamin act as antioxidant and its deficiency cause mild hemolytic anemia in newborn

61) increased numbers of chromosomes occur in which of the following condition?

62) An iron overload is not seen in which of the following conditions?


63) Which of the following is true regarding carbohydrate metabolism?

64) Which of the following is correct regarding vitamin B12?

65) Co-factor for the free radical scavenging enzyme glutathione peroxidase is-


66) A 63-year-old man in the surgical ward is complaining of numbness over the anterior thigh and medial aspect of his right leg. He is unable to extend his right knee and the knee jerk is reduced. He had undergone a femoral aneurysm repair 3 days ago.Which is the most probable nerve damaged in this case?

67) Which of the following structures do not arise from the Wolffian ducts?


68) Which of the following technique is not directly used for used for identifying DNA?


69) The mineral which has synergistic action with vitamin E is-

70) Which of the following is not true regarding 1,25(OH)2 vitamin D?

71) Which of the following is the best description of the pelvic diaphragm?

72) The risk of developing gallstones increases in which of the following situations?

  1. Which of the following is a branch of the femoral artery?

74) When performing a hysterectomy, the surgeon should be aware that at its closest position to the cervix, the ureter is normally separated from the cervix by which of the following distances?

75) A 34-year-old woman delivers a male baby with Down’s syndrome. Chromosomal analysis following his birth is suggestive of familial Down’s syndrome. What chromosomal event best describes the aetiology of Familial Down’s syndrome?

76) Presence of vaginal septa is not associated with which of the following?

77) Sympathetic drive to the heart is increased in which of the following conditions?

78) The part of the pelvis lying above the linea ter-minalis has little effect on a woman’s ability to deliver a baby What is the name of this portion of the pelvis?


79) Which of the following substances occur in lower concentration in foetal blood in comparison to the maternal blood?

80) Which of the following statement is true regarding human chromosomes?

81) A patient presents approximately 10 years post-menopausal with complaints of pressure vaginally and the sensation that something is falling out. When told she has a fallen uterus, she wonders if it is due to the damage from her round ligaments since she had a great deal of round ligament pain during her pregnancies. Which of the following ligaments provide the most support to the uterus in terms of preventing prolapse?

82) When does a secondary oocyte complete its second meiotic division to become a mature ovum?

83) A 32-year-old woman undergoes an emergency caesarean section for failure to progress at 9 cm cervical dilatation. Which of the following correctly describes the pelvic shape which has an anteroposterior diameter of the inlet, greater than the transverse diameter?

84) Which of the following is not an intermediate product of the citric acid cycle?


85) In baby with Down's syndrome , the probability of extra chromosome 21 being maternal in origin

86) A patient develops a neurologic disease that destroys components of S2, S3, S4 What clinical manifestation would you expect the patient to have as a result?

87) A 17-year-old woman who recently began taking birth control pills presents to the emergency room with cramping abdominal pain, anxiety, paranoia, and hallucinations. A surgical evaluation, including ultrasound and computed tomography scan, fails to demonstrate an acute abdominal process. A urinalysis reveals an increase in urine porphyrins. Which of the following is the most likely?

88) Regarding the blood supply of anterior abdominal wall, which is not true?

89) Deficiency of following vitamin deficiency cause megaloblastic anemia:

90) Two couples present to the emergency room with severe nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. One of the patients admits that she had a dinner party and served a salad containing mushrooms she had picked during a hike in the forest earlier that day. Inhibition of which enzyme or process explains the clinical manifestations of a-amanitin poisoning seen in these patients?

91) 46 XX karyotype is associated with which of the condition?


92) A 25-year-old G1P0, 20 weeks’ gestation has a family history of classic hemophilia. Her uncle on her mother’s side and her brother are affected. A perinatal ultrasound notes a male fetus. What is the chance that her son (in utero) will inherit hemophilia?


93) What is the nerve root of the ilioinguinal nerve?


94) A 33-year-old lady, who is 38 weeks pregnant, presents to her general practitioner with a 4- week history of pain and paraesthesia over the upper outer aspect of her right thigh. There is no restriction of movements in her hips or knees and her gait is normal. Which is the most likely nerve, which is affected in this case?

95) The anatomy of the spinal cord and dural space is important when giving regional spinal At what approximate spinal level do the dural space and the spinal cord, respectively, end?

96) A 26-year-old female presents with right iliac fossa pain and is taken to theatre for an appendectomy. An incision is made through the skin and onto muscle with fibres passing inferiorly in an oblique direction. Which muscle is cut in this scenario?

97) In the production of male gametes, which of the following cells remains dormant for 12 years?

98) gastric juice deficiency is likely to result in which of the following abnormality?

99) Which of the following organs is derived from the ectodermal neural crest cells?

100) Which of the following regions of nephron does the water leave via diffusion?

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