
Module part-1- Biophysics

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1) With regard to XRAYs what is the SI unit of absorbed dose?

2) What percentage of patients undergoing radiotherapy develop fatigue as an acute side effect?


A 34 year old patient is being investigated in the infertility clinic and is offered
Hysterosalpingography (HSG). She has 28 day cycles. When should the HSG test be performed?

4) Which of the following statements, if any, regarding diathermy (electrosurgery) is true?

5) Regarding the ECG, what does the P wave represent?

6) Piezoelectric crystal resonance is used in what imaging modality?

7) Regarding the ECG, what does the QRS complex represent?


A 28 year old women presents for an early scan at the EPU. On TVS what size is the gestational
sac when the embryonic pole should become visible?

9) What frequency is used for trans‐abdominal ultrasound?

10) Which of the following might you expect to see on the ECG of a patient with hypercalcaemia?

11) The yolk sac reaches its maximum diameter at what week of gestation?


A 28 year old women undergoes transvaginal ultrasound scan (TVS) at the EPU. What size is the
gestational sac typically when the yolk sac becomes visible on TVS?


What is the normal maximum endometrial thickness on ultrasound assessment of a post
menopausal uterus?

14) Regarding the ECG, what does the T wave represent?

15) Which of the following might you expect to see on the ECG of a patient with hypocalcaemia?


You assess a 68 year old lady who has been admitted with heavy PV bleeding. She has known
heart failure. In A&E she had 1 litre of IV Saline 0.9% over 1 hour and her second litre bag of IV
saline is almost empty. You assess her JVP. Which of the following would you expect to see in
someone with heart failure and fluid overload?

17) Which of the following best describes magnetic resonance imaging?

18) What frequency is used for trans‐vaginal ultrasound?

19) What frequency would typically be used for monopolar diathermy?


You assess a 63 year old lady on the ward who has undergone hysterectomy. She complains of
palpitations and feeling a little short of breath.You organise bloods and an ECG. The ECG shows
atrial fibrillation. Which of the following might you expect to see on assessing the JVP?


You are asked to review a 27 year old women who has been admitted with toxic shock
syndrome due to retained tampon. The lab phone you with her U&E results:
Sodium 133 mmol/l
Potassium 6.6 mmol/l
Urea 16.3 mmol/l
Creatinine 140 umol/l
You request an ECG. Which of the following would you expect to find?

22) With regard to MRI scanning what is the SI unit measure of magnetic field strength?


You perform bloods on a patient with a history of anorexia. Biochemistry phone with her U&E
Sodium 135 mmol/l
Potassium 2.6 mmol/l
Urea 5.0 mmol/l
Creatinine 35 umol/l
Which of the following would you expect to see on a patient ECG?

24) Which of the following best describes the muscles assessed by urodynamic testing?


In early pregnancy at what gestation does the Gestational sac become visible on transvaginal

26) At what gestation does the fetal heart first become detectable on ultrasound?

27) DEXA scans measure bone density by

28) With regard to MRI scanning what is the SI unit measure of magnetic flux?


A patient undergoes LASER treatment for CIN. Which of the following is the most appropriate
choice of LASER?

30) Which of the following is a form of non‐ionising radiation?


In early pregnancy at what gestation does the Embryonic pole become visible on transvaginal


You are discussing radiation doses for an abdominal CT. The radiation dose of an abdominal CT
is equivalent to which of the following?


Regarding PCOS (PolyCystic Ovary Syndrome) which of the following ultrasound findings form
part of the Rotterdam criteria for diagnosis of PCOS


You are discussing the radiation risk of a chest XRAY with a pregnant patient. A chest XRAY is
equivalent to how many days of natural background radiation?


You have taken a history from a patient with symptoms of urinary incontinence. There is no
history of cancer, no suggestion of neurological disease and no pelvic masses. According to NICE
guidelines which of the tests below is indicated in the initial assessment of patients with urinary

36) Oligohydramnios is defined as an amniotic fluid index of?

37) Which of the following is likely to reduce the effectiveness of local radiotherapy?

38) Ultrasound frequencies are sound waves with frequencies of

39) What is the typical magnetic field strength of an MRI scanner used routinely in UK hospitals?

40) Which of the following utilises ionising radiation?

41) Which of the following is an acute complication of radiotherapy?

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