Nerve injuries, suture materials, incisions -ANC module part 2
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1) A 57-year-old para 4 undergoes vaginal hysterectomy and
sacrospinous ligament xation. She complains of postoperative gluteal
pain that worsens in the seated position.
Her symptoms are most likely caused by injury to which of the following?
2) 37. Polydioxanone (PDS) is synthetic, absorbable mono lament surgical
suture material. It is particularly useful when a combination of an
absorbable suture and extended wound support is desirable.
Which of the following best describes the breaking strength retention
(tensile strength) of 3-0 PDS at 6 weeks?
3) CSPO2
Select the single most appropriate statement with reference to abdominal incisions
and preoperative preparations in a gynaecological surgery:
4) 20. T e Smead–Jones closure is a mass closure technique of the anterior
abdominal wall using a far–far, near–near approach. T e closure is
performed using a delayed absorbable suture to include all the abdominal
wall structures on the far–far portion and only the anterior fascia on the
near–near portion. T is allows good healing without intervening fat or
Which of the following best describes the rate of fascial dehiscence with
running mass closure of the abdomen?
5) While operating on a patient in lithotomy position, the padding between the lateral
fi bular heads and the stirrup prevents injury to:
6) 21. You are assisting your consultant in a Burch colposuspension
procedure for urodynamic stress incontinence a er an unsuccessful V
Which of the following transverse skin incisions allows the easiest access
to the space of Retzius?
7) 14. A 31-year-old para 1 undergoes radical vaginal trachelectomy and
laparoscopic bilateral lymph node dissection for early cervical cancer. She
presents with paraesthesia over the mons pubis, labia majora and the
femoral triangle.
8) CSPO19
The ilioinguinal and iliohypogastric nerves can be injured during a gynaecological
surgery. Which of the following describes these nerves the best?
9) CSPO6
Staples are used for wound closure. Which of the following statements about the use
of staples in a gynaecological surgery is incorrect?
10) CSPO5
A patient who underwent an abdominal hysterectomy a few days ago complains of
numbness over the skin over the anterior aspect of the upper thigh. This could be
attributed to neuropathy of the:
11) CSPO8
Axonotmesis is best described as an iatrogenic nerve injury which involves:
12) CSPO24
Ms. XY is in theatre for repair of a 3C tear. She has been given spinal anaesthetic
and antibiotics. Which suturing technique is most suited for the torn IAS (internal
anal sphincter)?
13) CSPO4
Regarding nonabsorbable suture materials, which of the following statements is
14) . T e enhanced recovery approach to preoperative, perioperative and
postoperative care has major bene ts for many patients in relation to
quicker recovery following major surgery. It facilitates shorter hospital
stay with no increase in readmission rates. T is has clear bene ts for
patients and their families and for healthcare services.
Which of the following is not a component of the enhanced recovery
15) CSPO20
Which of the following is not a known risk factor for nerve injury during a gynae-
cological surgery?
16) 36. Suture materials have di erent physical properties.
Which of the following is the property by which a suture is capable of
supporting acute angulation without breaking or opposing excessive
17) CSPO18
A downward and inward muscle-splitting incision from the McBurney point that
allows extraperitoneal drainage of abscesses is called:
18) CSPO16
All of the following are true about surgical needles except:
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