
Sexual And Reproductive Health Test Part 2

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1) A missed DSG pill (all brands) is one that is:

2) A 19­year­old attends A&E with acute urinary retention. She also describes myalgia, feeling feverish and headache, as well as pain when she urinates. When the nurse catheterizes her she notices widespread labial blisters. What is the most likely diagnosis?

3) A woman taking lamotrigine is using the combined hormonal transdermal patch (CTP). Which one of the following statements is correct?

4) Rate of uterine  perforation in IUC insertion is

5) Which one of the following statements about venous thromboembolic (VTE) risk with CHC is correct?

6) 25 year old woman had a normal delivery at term 4 months ago. She is exclusively breast feeding and had an episode of UPSI. She takes ulipristal acetate for emergency contraception. What breast feeding advice would you give her?

7) A 35­year­old para3 comes to clinic for contraceptive advice. She was advised to come off the combined pill as she developed migraines with aura while taking it. She is now using the diaphragm but is looking for something more reliable. With regards to duration of action of long­acting reversible contraception, which one of these statements is not correct?

8) The following facts about chlamydia are true except for which one?

9) Epileptic woman on Carbamazepine. Came for emergency contraception & refused cupper IUC. What is the suitable alternative?

10) A 47 years old women with irregular periods and vasomotor symptoms is requesting advice on contraception .She has had a myomectomy in the past .During the history taking she admits that she had unprotected sex 3 days ago with new partner. Her last period 2 weeks ago. What is the correct treatment for her on this occasion?

11) Miss Y is a 22 ­year­ old nulliparous young woman who presents at her local sexual reproductive health clinic having had unprotected sexual intercourse on day 16 of a regular 28­day cycle. She is in a new relationship, having had intercourse last night with her 27­ year­ old boyfriend who she met last week at a party. She has not had any other episodes of unprotected intercourse this cycle. She suffers from epilepsy and takes carbamazepine 400 mg twice daily. She is otherwise well with no relevant family history. She looks well and her measurements are as follows: height: 159 cm weight: 58 kg BP: 115/65 mmHg.

12) Which AED concentration is affected by COCs

13) A 35-year-old woman presented with a offensive frothy vaginal discharge

On speculum examination, the cervix was red, punctate and inflamed.

The wet mount shows the mobile organism.

What is a likely diagnosis in her case?

14) Which one of the following statements regarding CHC and migraine is correct?

15) A 25-year-old woman presents to A&E with painful vulva. Examination

reveals multiple ulcers (around the fourchette) with ragged undermined edges

with necrotic base and purulent exudate. There was contact bleeding. Also

noted were enlarged tender left inguinal lymph modes.

The like diagnosis in her case is which of the following?

16) For which of the following conditions would you consider a hospital setting for the insertion of an intrauterine device?

17) A woman who is 14 weeks pregnant presents with a thin vaginal discharge and fishy odour. She gives history of this getting worse before her periods and with sexual intercourse. On examination, the vulva and vagina looked normal and not inflamed.

The diagnosis in her case is which of the following?

18) A 27­year­old nulliparous woman comes to the outpatient clinic requesting Depo­ Provera injection. She wants to know about the no contraceptive benefits and risks with injectable progesterones. Which of the following is incorrect?

19) Regarding management of gonorrhea,which of the following is correct

20) 25-year-old woman is at 15 weeks gestation in her first pregnancy. Booking syphilis screening is positive and the diagnosis is confirmed with the Treponema pallidum particle agglutination assay. The patient is otherwise fit and well, is on no medication and is allergic to penicillin. What antibiotic treatment would you suggest to treat this patient?

21) Concerning progestogen ­only pills (POPs), which of the following is true? .

22) Mrs P, a 32­year­old para 4+0, has just delivered a baby boy (SVD) following an unplanned pregnancy, having recently separated from her husband and entered into a new short ­term relationship. She is a week postpartum and requesting a reliable form of contraception. She has a family history of VTE in a first ­degree relative and is known to carry a protein S deficiency but has never had a VTE episode herself. She is bottle feeding, her puerperium has been uncomplicated and she is keen to start contraception as soon as possible. Height: 160 cm Weight: 65 kg BP: 135/80

23) Contraindications to the insertion of a Cu-IUD for EC are the same as those for routine IUD insertion. Which of the following is a relative contraindication?

24) When counselling a man regarding vasectomy, which of the following is it important to stress

25) A 21-year-old woman comes to the genitourinary medicine clinic complaining of vaginal discharge. Vaginal high-swab results show that she has bacterial vaginosis. She asks you about treatment of her sexual partner.

Which infection needs treatment of an asymptomatic sexual partner?

26) A 20-year-old pregnant woman presented to the genitourinary medicine clinic with anogenital warts. She is diagnosed with human papillomavirus (HPV) infection-type. What are her treatment options?

27) A 24­ year­old woman attends and STI clinic with suspected Chlamydia infection. What is the best technique for detecting Chlamydia?

28) Which of the following is true about antibiotic resistance and gonorrhoea?

29) 32 years old G2P1 First time attending antenatal clinic at 20weeks. C/o Mucocutaneous  rashes on palms. Papule on vulva. Scan- fetal ascites .RPR test positive at booking  What is the Treatment?.

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