
SBA Test Mock Test 1 (Part 1)

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1) Von Willebrand disease is

2) The origin of psoas major muscle

3) 25 years old pregnant woman is found to have Hb of 102 gl on a routine blood test with MCV 80FL.Serum electrophoresis reveals an HbF of 5% ,HbA1 OF 80%, HbA2 OF 15% ,HbS of 0 % .Her ferritin levels are normal.Most likely diagnosis is

4) Karyotype X O

5) Patau syndrome is associated with

6) Stroke volume in preg

7) Biochemical technique usedto detect the DNA

8) Chromosomes arrange themselves on equatorial plate in which phase of cell division

9) Aldosterone is synthetised in

10) T. pallidum perteue causes

11) Sister Chromatides separate in

12) 28 weeks pregnant patient withBMI 40.Vitamin that should be prescribed?

13) Target levels of HbA1C in preganancy in a woman with Diabetes.

14) Which cells in the body are dependant on anaerobic respiration

15) Marfan’s syndrome

16) What is the most common heritable thrombophilia?

17) Robertsonian translocation is when

18) Size of resting follicle

19) During which one of the following stages of the cell cycle does mitosis proceeds

20) Which of the following is NIT a branch of anteriar division of Internal iliac artery

21) Which bacteria are Gram-Negative Aerobic rods?

22) What is the normal axisof the heart?

23) Chromosomes are constricted with centromere in middle in

24) Nerve supply to anterior 1/3rd of labeium majus

25) Women with phenyl ketonuria in preganancy

26) Vitamin Acts as Co – enzyme in rate limiting step in hemoglobin synthesis

27) Trisomy 13 is associatrd with

28) Enzyme which corrects androstenedione to estradiol

29) A 18 yr old boy presents with primary infertility. He is relatively tall for his family with mild gynaecomastia and soft ,small testicles. Potential genetic cause?

30) BRCA1 ,is associated with

31) Cardiac output is calculated by

32) Di George syndrome

33) Deep circumflex iliac artery is abranch of

34) Anti – diuretic harmone is prodused by

35) Androgen Insensitivity Syndrime is associated with

36) Likelihood ratio

37) Haemophilia

38) Cystic fibrosis is inherited as

39) Normal plasma range

40) Complement protein which is a product og all 3 activation pathways

41) What lies anteriar to ascending colon ?

42) Mitochondrial DNA is

43) Hemophilia B IS Caused by

44) Diarrhoea causes

45) What proportion of CMV infection is asymptomatic in immune- competent patient?

46) Glycolysis takes place in

47) First line antibiotic regimen used in Septic shock

48) Anti – epileptic drug to be avoidedin reproductive age groupe women

49) Natural killer cells belong to

50) Which hormone has structure similar to growth harmone?

51) Amniotic fluid osmolarity

52) Which is not an eicosanoid

53) Ribs and vertebral develop from

54) Artery that is mostly injured in Trans-vaginal tape procedure

55) Point which has half the value above & half below

56) Total lung capacity in pregnancy is

57) Which test in most sensitive in detecting PID ?

58) Which agent inhibits Dihydrofolate reductase?

59) Iron absorption is enhanced by

60) How many turnsdoes the midgut go through in its embroyological formation?

61) Canal of Nuck is associated with

62) Premature closure of ductus arteriousus by

63) In starvation,which keton bodies can be used as energy supply to brain

64) 25 pregnant woman were sampled during the Antenatal period,looking at the number of episodes of vimitting.It was from population of 3500.The episodes of vomiting per patient was 30,with standard deriation of 10.what is standard error of mean?(SEM)

65) CART reduces risk pf transmission of HIV to

66) HPV responsible for cervical cancer

67) Main circulating estrogen during pregnancy

68) Oxygen requirement in preg

69) In monopolar diathermy,which feature prevent electrocution?

70) Chicken pox is cause by

71) T. pallidum endemicum causes

72) Teratogenic virus

73) Most Comman cause of hyperprolactinaema?

74) Recommended time interval for insertion of LNG-IUS following delivery ?

75) Gonads develop from which cell layer.

76) Lymphatic dranage of uterus is primarily to

77) G6 PD deficiency is

78) Roberstonian translocation can happen in

79) First line treatment for Endometrial Hyperplasia without atypia

80) Coagulation factors reduced in pregnancy

81) Which test is used to diagnose hemolytic anaemia in a Newborn?

82) Which one of these is purine

83) If statistical test is negative , the Likelihood that patient will be healthy

84) Ductus venosus is closed in

85) You wish to investigate the time it takes to perform a caesarean section on woman with or without pre-eclampsia.At end of study you have 2 groups with the duration of LSCS recorded for each. It can’t be assumed thatthese are normally distributed. Which non-parametric statistic test would you use?

86) T – test is

87) Water soluble vitamin with anti oxidant effect


16 Years old woman present with secondary amenorrhoea.She is healthy,with no past
medical history.Her BMI IS 17.Most appropriate initial investigation

89) Bulb of Vestibule is homologus to              in male.

90) Maternal serum HCG conc. Peaks at

91) Cystic fibrosis is associated with

92) Plasma volume

93) Phenyl ketonuria inheritance

94) First step to be done if a case of shoulder dystocia is observed?

95) ‘P’ value significant when

96) Cross – sectional study involves

97) The precursor for prostaglandin synthesis

98) Which study will provide the best evidence for a diagnostic test

99) Prader willi Syndrome

100) The most common site of uterine perforation?

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